September 24, 2010

GJ Tube

Scarlett had a GJ Tube placed at Phoenix Children's Hospital. We are so proud of her for handling it with such grace. She hasn't vomited or refluxed since the procedure. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it's going to help with her GI issues. She's on another course of antibiotics and we increased her respiratory treatments to at least every 4 hours. Sometimes every 2 hours... We are all exhausted but hopeful that she's going to fight this bug! Thank you for all of your support and well wishes!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that the new GJ tube is helping Scarlett. I say prayers for all of you every night.

Love to all,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sweet precious pictures. You take such loving care of your baby girl. Please give Scarlett a gramma kiss on her cheek. You are all in my prayers day & night. Love, Momma

Denise said...


Sweet beautiful little one. I am praying so hard for you every single day. I picture your sweet face and ask God to please watch over you and take care of you (and to watch over mommy and daddy too). Thinking of you always.

Denise, WI

Anonymous said...

Sending Scarlett get well thoughts and prayers today and everyday. May you continue your fight with strength and grace.