September 11, 2010

Scarlett's Diagnosis

One year ago today on September 11, 2009 Scarlett was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 1. All of our hopes and dreams for our baby girl were taken from us that day. I don't know how to put into words how we felt. I think only another parent that has been in our exact shoes can truly understand the pain and devastation. I am not going to attempt to explain it because trying to go back to that day is just emotionally unbearable. Words would not do my emotions justice.


Alerie said...

Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers!!

Victoria Strong said...

Thinking about you. I remember the first anniversary of the diagnosis was especially tough. Hold your sweet girl extra long these next few weeks. Remember how much she adores you. And know that you guys are incredible parents. Lots of love, V, B, and G

Anonymous said...

You were ALL in my heart & prayers on Sept. 11th. You always are.