October 31, 2010

In the PICU

Scarlett is in the PICU at Phoenix Children's Hospital. For the past few days Scarlett has been very tired and hasn't shown us that beautiful smile or little giggle. We made the decision early yesterday morning to head to the hospital for some tests and help. We took Scarlett to the ER around 9:30 am and have been in the PICU since 3:30 yesterday afternoon. So far the only findings are low potassium, chloride, and sodium. They started Scarlett on an I.V. fluids, but she continues to be a upset. As of this morning her Sodium levels look better, but we will probably be around for another 48-72 hours until our culture gets back. They are thinking she has a virus... Please send some prayers. We want to get our baby girl home soon. Daddy's birthday is tomorrow, so hopefully his present will be to get his daughter home with smiles on her face.


miracleformadison said...

Hey there! Thinking of you and showering you with love and prayers.
Hoping you see that smile from her very soon! Love ya!

Denise said...

Crying thinking about sweet Scarlett in the hospital. Hopefully the fluids will be of help and will make her feel better soon. I know how hard being in the hospital is so I am sending tons of prayers for you, daddy and Scarlett.

Scarlett- Thinking of you and praying for you sweet baby. Feel better soon. Hugs and sweet kisses. xoxox

Denise WI

Kristen said...

Always thinking of you guys. xoxox - Kristen

HR said...

I hope by the time you read this Scar is back at home and celebrating her Daddy's birthday! Sending positive vibes your way.

Amy said...

Awww sweet girl. Feel better Scarlett. Sending you love from Dallas!