October 16, 2010

Pulse Oximeter

I have mentioned before that Scarlett's nursery looks like a hospital room. It's sad but true. I try to hide machines in corners or place them in areas that aren't as noticeable. The machine pictured here is a pulse oximeter. She is hooked up to it 24/7. This machine helps us monitor her O2 sats and heartrate. It will tell us by beeping really LOUD if she's in respiratory distress. It has alarmed many times and it's complete chaos when it goes off. When it alarms we have to immediately start a respiratory treatment (suction her mouth, manual CPT, cough for her, suction her mouth, manual CPT, cough for her, suction, manual CPT, cough for her, suction, and then place her on the Trilogy). If that doesn't work then a 911 call will have to be made. The pulse ox is by no means a replacement for watching her but it allows me to take a bathroom break and get food from the kitchen. Scarlett is a constant watch.

1 comment:

tiffany | monuments and melodies said...

We have the exact same one for my younger sister! Nice to have, but the alarm is very loud :)