July 4, 2012

Happy July 4th


Janine said...

Dear Annie and Scarlett,
My name is Janine (Tschan) North.
I grew up in your sister Wendy's current house and was playmates with Wendy, Randy, Mimi, and Matt. That was 30+ years ago. I saw Wendy at the parade this morning. Such a small world.It seemed like no time had passed at all! I had actually known about you and your sweet family through some friends at Madeira preschool. I currently live in Madeira and care for a little boy named Mitchell. Mitchell has Mitochondrial disease and was in the preschool that Scarlett will be part of. He will attend Kindergarten next year. I feel like I already know you through your beautiful blog, but I wanted to introduce myself to you. I hope we can meet sometime. I often see your mom in the krogers. Take care of your sweet family. Sincerely, Janine

Janine said...

Dear Annie and Scarlett,
My name is Janine (Tschan) North.
I grew up in your sister Wendy's current house and was playmates with Wendy, Randy, Mimi, and Matt. That was 30+ years ago. I saw Wendy at the parade this morning. Such a small world.It seemed like no time had passed at all! I had actually known about you and your sweet family through some friends at Madeira preschool. I currently live in Madeira and care for a little boy named Mitchell. Mitchell has Mitochondrial disease and was in the preschool that Scarlett will be part of. He will attend Kindergarten next year. I feel like I already know you through your beautiful blog, but I wanted to introduce myself to you. I hope we can meet sometime. I often see your mom in the krogers. Take care of your sweet family. Sincerely, Janine

Anonymous said...

Wow, she would have been "Star Of The Show" in the July 4th parade! She looks so pretty & sweet!, Mom