July 6, 2012

Kitchen Sink Muffins

We made dad a special healthy treat.  Kitchen Sink Bran Muffins.  We took the basic Trader Joes Bran Muffin Mix and added some healthy goodies.

She held her first egg today.
It fit right in the palm of her hand.

Added some fresh blueberries.
She was moving the blueberry with her middle finger.  The blueberry moved around in her hand.
Added dried tart cherries.  Scarlett liked watching them fall into the batter.  We made a "thump" sound when the cherries hit the batter.  She thought that was funny.
Added walnuts for some protein and crunch.

We forgot to wash Scarlett's hands before adding in the goodies.  That's why she still has a sticker on her hand.  Please don't tell Dad....  He might not eat them if he knew. 
Lined the muffin tins and realized that I was one short.  I thought I had 12...
Turns out I did have 12 liners.  Scarlett was holding the 12th one and I forgot about it.  Ha!  Silly girl.
She of course had fun watching them bake. 

Watching the muffins rise.  



Darci said...

I miss trader joes!! Hope enjoyed the muffins. What a great helper you have.

Anonymous said...

Annie, you are the most-fun mommy ever! Scarlett is so blessed to be your daughter. Love, Gramma

Drake said...

Precious moments! Love it!