July 16, 2012

Staying Busy

We've had a very busy week...  Here are some of the things that brought joy to my little girls day:

We made Lemon Raspberry Muffins that Grandma Liz and Grandpa John sent us.  They were so yummy!

She picked out a super cute yellow tank to help mommy bake in the kitchen.  A girl needs to always look stylish. Right?!?
Holding the muffin box. 
She's tired of waiting to make the muffins.  She wants the baking to begin!
Helping the butter soften by holding the butter with her warm hands.
Holding the bowl so mommy can mix everything together
Bailey thinks we left him a special treat. 
Holding the eggs and mixing at the same time.
Looking and smelling so good.
Spooning in the mixture.
Ready to bake.
They smelled so fresh and yummy.  Parker wanted some too!  Silly dog.
She played on her I Pad and loved every minute of it!

Using her left arm to tap-tap-tap on the I Pad.
Using her right arm to tap away.

She let me braid her hair.

We played nail salon and painted her nails pink and yellow!  She is really liking the color yellow these days.

We went to the Perlman Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.  I felt like a kid in a candy store.  They had all kinds of communication tools there.  They had special switches that Scarlett can access with her little finger and eye gaze systems (computers that can track Scarlett's eye movements).  It was such an awesome experience!  We are going back in two weeks and can't wait.  There was even talk of getting Scarlett in a power wheelchair... 

So excited to see the therapists.
We ran into Aunt Wendy at the Hospital.
We also ran into Leah.  Leah has SMA Type 1 like Scarlett.
This was the first time they've met each other.  I love when Scarlett get's an opportunity to see other kids just like her.
This is Leah and her Mommy.
She is using an Eye Gaze System here.  She actually told the computer what to do with her eyes!  So amazing.  This is going to change her world.  We don't have an eye gaze system at home yet.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that her insurance will approve a communication device like this.

Here she is just relaxing.  Sometimes she doesn't want to watch movies or read books.  She just wants to look at me and see what I'm up to.

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