September 15, 2010


I am overwhelmed with joy right now. A random act of kindness has brought me to tears again. I am convinced that Scarlett is not alone in this battle with SMA. She has special earthly angles that want to help her.

Scarlett has been experiencing painful bed sores because she's unable to reposition herself. We move her at least every hour and are constantly doing range of motion exercises but it hasn't lessened or prevented more sores. We have tried foam mattresses, gel cushions, pillows, roho cushions, air mattresses and they didn't make a difference. She has been so uncomfortable!

A family of angels (Stephen, Jenny, Dan and Jacob) heard about Scarlett and made a huge donation to Scarlett's medical fund so that we could get a special medical bed for her. When I heard the news I couldn't help but cry. I was truly left speechless... I'm not used to crying happy tears. How do you thank someone for a gift like that? Scarlett is going to have a better quality of life because of their generosity.

I was going to wait to share this amazing news until we got the bed but I couldn't. It will be here soon and I'll be sure to take a lot of pictures to share with everyone.

Thank you Stephen, Jenny, Dan and Jacob for helping our baby girl!

1 comment:

HR said...

People's love and generosity for Scarlett has been incredible!