September 22, 2010

Not Feeling Well

Little Scarlett hasn't been feeling well. My heart just breaks for her. We are consulting with physicians trying to figure out what we can do for her. Her culture grew out pseudomonas again. She is also experiencing a lot of GI issues. Please keep her in your prayers. This is a very scary time for us.


Denise said...

Lots of prayers for you all.

Denise WI

tiffany | monuments and melodies said...

Sending MANY prayers your way :)

The Rodriguez Crew said...

You got it, prayers your way ...

HR said...

Positive vibes coming Scarlett's way. Like I told you before she is a strong little girl. She's going to battle for sure!

the nelson family said...

you guys are in my thoughts and prayers!

Amy said...

Saying a prayer for Scarlett tonight. Looking forward to more big smiles.

Alerie said...

Your family will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers!!