January 8, 2012

Little Toy

It's hard finding lightweight toys that fit in Scarlett's hands. This little toy is perfect. It's from IKEA. It's lightweight and has a lot of texture. She likes to hold it during the day. We still need to name him. Any suggestions? Oscar is sounding cute.


Anonymous said...

Her little sweet hand brings me to tears. God bless her, she really hangs in there. Hope we can keep coming up with things that bring Scarlett joy!

Anonymous said...

I love Oscar. For some reason Rufus and Boris come to mind too.

Scarlett- Love the nails...beautiful beautiful red color. We are busy, busy, busy here. We are building a garage and everyone keeps tracking in the dirt and mud. I have been being crafty too. Loving that I have a little extra time to do it. As always sending you love hugs and sweet kisses.

Denise WI

Teaberry said...

She may really love IKEA's little finger puppets, too! Last time I was there, I believe they had a king, queen and other royalty puppets!

I have been reading your blog a while-- and I think of Scarlett every day.