February 11, 2012

Trying out a new mask

Scarlett isn't a baby anymore. I know this is obvious to most people but I still think of her as my little baby. I've been upgrading her "baby" wardrobe to a toddler size and I realized that clothes are not the only thing that needs adjusting. Her head has also gotten a lot bigger. Her current bi pap mask works well but it's a little tight. So I decided to try some other bi pap masks. This one in the picture is called the Pixi. I'm going to use it during naps and hopefully transition it into the nights. This mask fits her head and nose better but I don't know if Scarlett will tolerate it. She really likes the feel of her old mask. She's the boss so if she doesn't like it, we will go back to the old mask.


Michaela said...

And, how does she like this mask? Does it work or do you prefer the "old" one?

Michaela said...

Hm..still wondering...