July 29, 2012

Dum Dums

Scarlett has a new favorite activity...  Tasting Dum Dums Lollipops.  Cotton Candy is her favorite flavor so far but we have more to try.  I plan on making a trip to the grocery store tomorrow to buy more lollipops and a new toothbrush.  I love finding things that bring interest, excitement and joy to her life.  We've tried "pleasure feeding" before but she didn't really enjoy it until now.  Scarlett's speech therapist suggested trying things at least 10 times before deciding that she really didn't like something.  I'm glad that we tried this activity again.


Anonymous said...

God love her, she's discovered the Nectar Of The Gods, sugar! Now there is no going back! I'll pick up a giant bag tomorrow at Krogers. Love always, Mom

Scarlett's Hope said...

Thanks Grandma! You are the best!

Darci said...

Yummo!! My girls love all of the blue ones. I think they just like that they turn their mouths blue.