July 28, 2012

Eye Appointment

We took Scarlett to see an Opthomalogist to have her vision checked.  Scarlett's eyes are healthy and her vision is great.  Yay!  He had to dilate her eyes and she didn't like it.  I don't blame her.  I hate getting my eyes dilated.  She got to wear some cool shades on the way home to protect her eyes from the sun.

All ready to go to the eye doctor.
She brought one of her switch toys with her.  A vibrating bug.  She was turning it on and off during the appointment.  She loves that bug!
Waiting to see the doctor.  I found a cool spot to wait.  She liked watching people enter and exit  the building. 
Patiently waiting.
They dilated her eyes.  Look how big her pupils are!
Looking good Scarlett!

I hope she lets me take them off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE these pictures!!