July 18, 2012

Endocrinology Appointment

We met with a Pediatric Endocrinologist today and had a bunch of blood work and x-rays taken.  Scarlett is showing some signs of early puberty so we wanted to get her checked out.  The Endocrinologist isn't concerned after examining Scarlett but she wanted to run some tests just to make sure everything is okay.

Scarlett wanted to wear her sunglasses inside.
And during the elevator ride...  This is a special elevator because it has windows. 
Waiting to see the doctor.
Checking out the artwork on the walls.
Looking out the window at the blue sky.
Getting a chest x-ray.
Getting an x-ray of her left hand to look at her "bone-age."
Waiting to get blood work.
She likes looking out windows so I try to find waiting areas that have windows.
All done!  She did great!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Thanks so very much for taking & sharing these pictures! Scarlet is such a good sport allowing those strangers to minister to her. It also looks exhausting to everyone else involved! Love you, Mom

Darci said...

Sweet girl!! No fun with the blood work though.