July 24, 2012

The Bennett Family

Scarlett’s friend Sam went to heaven about 2 years ago.  Little Sam also had SMA Type 1 like Scarlett.  She was just 9 months old when she died. She was the apple of her mommy and daddy’s eye.  I know they miss her big brown eyes and sweet little face every moment of their lives without her. 
Sam’s parents, Laura and Zach Bennett, have struggled in every possible way to bring another child into their home. They are unable to get pregnant on their own and have decided that adopting a child is the best option for them. With an approved home study they have waited… and waited… and waited… but haven’t yet found a match for their family. 
It is my hope that this message gets passed along and into the hands and hearts of a mother and father who is looking for an adoption plan for their child. The Bennett’s are the most loving people and any child would be beyond blessed to have them as parents. Scarlett and my entire family are asking for you to please spread the word about the Bennett’s and their hopes for building their family. To learn more about Laura, Zach and Baby Sam please check out Sam's Blog at http://www.babyhomepages.net/ourbabybennett.  It was created during her short but wonderful life.
Also, if you or anyone else is interested in reading Laura and Zach’s adoption profile letter send an email to Laura at lbennett3420@gmail.com. This letter presents who Laura and Zach are and discusses their willingness for an open adoption.  Once again, thanks so much for helping us spread the word about this wonderful family. 
Zach, Baby Sam and Laura

Loving Baby Sam

So much love...

Kisses from Daddy

Mommy and Daughter Time

So beautiful


Sara said...

We will keep the Bennett family in our thoughts and prayers. Sam is beyond beautiful and precious.

Erin said...

I pray that they are blessed with a child.