July 28, 2012

Her first "STEP"

Scarlett did something that I didn't think was ever possible.  She took her first "STEP."  When Scarlett was diagnosed with SMA I was told that she would never sit-up, roll-over, crawl or WALK.  It was all negative and downright depressing.  On Tuesday, we gave Scarlett the opportunity to move independently and she succedded.  We put her in  a power wheelchair and she was able to make it move forward by hitting a switch with her index finger.  It was a very emotional and overwhelming experience for me because I didn't think she would ever be able to move without my help.

The chair is a demo model so it's not adjusted to fit Scarlett.  We hope to get her a power chair of her own.  It all comes down to insurance so hopefully they will approve one for her.  We are going back on Tuesday for more practice.  I'm so excited to see my little girl move again without my assistance! 

Getting loaded up.
Seat Belt On
Adding Chest Supports
All ready

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for Scarlett! I have been following your blog for about a year now and it's been amazing to see her grow! You are a great great Mom (I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old and I am so in awe of you honestly- you are so inspirational in so many ways! I love to see all the activities and new things you and Scarlett do! )