December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Pictures

Fascinated with the lights.

Scarlett & The Wenker Family Christmas Tree. This tree has ornaments that are over 40 yrs old. Some of my old baby ornaments from the year I was born are on that tree. How cool!

Snuggle time with Mickey. Her toes are so festive. I love the red & green sparkle polish.

Her eyes have so much to say!


jenrichey said...

I have never commented before but have been a follower for over a year. Had to comment today....what a beautiful little girl! May God bless you and your family this Christmas. I think of and pray for Scarlett daily and check the blog daily. What an inspiration your family is to me!

Anonymous said...

Merry, Merry Christmas Scarlett and family! I love the Christmas lights photos... and I wanted to congratulate you all on getting Scarlett's room done in your new home! How wonderful! I think of you all often and keep you in my prayers. Pet Bailey for me. God bless.
~ Gina in Kentucky